CyberKAT Lights + PCB

I designed this PCB board for the CyberKAT, it distributes the power from the batteries to the ESC’s and other systems.

The “PWR ATTACHMENT” ports will be used for FUTURE accessories (Such as the upcoming still in development snow blower attachment.)

A special function of the board is that is takes 2 ESC signals from your RC receiver and splits up the BEC power so one ESC powers all the LED lights. While the other ESC powers the receiver and FUTURE accessory servos.

It also features automotive fuses to protect everything.

Very little soldering needs to be done, solder the PCB connectors on, solder wires to your batteries, and then solder wires to the motors is about it.

I also made custom LED light bars. A total of 8 PCB’s for each CyberKAT (5-6V):

The only 3D printed parts on the entire CyberKAT are the black light mounts, and the clear lens. Printed in PETG:

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